วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Picking on Sarah Palin - What Ticks Me Off

Image : http://www.flickr.com

There was his arrest - or false (do not think Tina Fey was just brilliant last week?). The statements hockey mom, the many means of peaks accused her, Sarah Palin anywhere! It increased the sale of a particular design of the glasses, and her hairstyle is copied by a lot of women. It does not help that stars like Matt Damon, Lindsay Lohan have made their arguments against it - even if it is for or against them, not reallyQuestion coz it's still publicity.

As a woman, it would be helpful for me, of course, another woman - but shallow of me to make my selection on the basis of sex. In this line, there's something about Sarah Palin that ticks me off - in fact different.

"There'sa place in hell for women who do not support other women, reserved" - Oh, really? So if you do not sustain you, I go straight to hell! Que horror! Statements like these only the gap between men and women. And 'badmisunderstood and she should have thought of that before they themselves said.

Do not get me wrong, I will quote for all the support of other women, but the truth: "There's a place in hell for women who do not help other women booked." is to support women in a different context - not in politics.

Aerial Hunting - maybe I'm not sure what it is like living in Alaska, I can not really an informed opinion on wolf hunting. However, I think that is the killing of animals in a way thatinhuman is a no-no for me (and $ 150 sizes?). The fact that she supports this is unnerving.

"I will not give the answers the moderator wants to ask - why the hell has agreed to join the debate in the first place. Although fascinating, it has this nasty habit of avoiding the problem or veering off topic, or speak a different theme even worse, if you know nothing about the topic.

Like Matt Damon I would also like to know if she really believes thatHumans and dinosaurs walked side by side on earth thousands of years ago, or to be precise, whether dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago. I respect their faith in their faith, and I really none of the candidates support the religious, but I think there are issues of different religions confirmed by science.

And of course the rape kit issue. Somehow the fact that women in their state, with the bill for their rape kits. CMON. Really. A woman is raped and is calculatedbuying the rape kits? Where is the compassion here? And I thought that women in politics would be the support of other women. Guess I'm throwing your misquote right back at you.

To be honest, I'm sure I have things in their campaign that I would be interested. And maybe she has the media made too close for comfort, the magnifying glass or painted an ugly picture of her. It 'our task of discovering the truth about him before going to vote on November 4, 2008.

