วันอังคารที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Dixie Chicks: Reluctant Warriors in the battle for America's Soul.

Image : http://www.flickr.com

"Above the altar of God, I swear eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the human spirit." - Thomas Jefferson

"I'm not saying it's sad, sad story when a mother to her daughter that was supposed to hate a stranger tells you. How in the world the words that I said that someone had so were able to write in the margins, give me a letter I had better close and sing or my life to end? "- from" Not Ready To Make Nice "Dixie Chicks

Wacko on behalf of thePatriotism is still Wacko!

Whether it's Donald Rumsfeld compared critics of the war in Iraq to supporters of the Nazi movement, or Rush Limbaugh said that we must acknowledge the patriotism of those who oppose the war, Dick Cheney, or those who oppose the war, is a question of hope that America loses, to punish free speech in the name of patriotism is simply Wacko. A caustic spirit exhibited in national identity, an attitude that openly condemned and ridiculed springsdifferent thoughts and shamelessly feeds on anyone who dares to presidential actions, particularly those related to the challenge of war. The mantle under which this new shields bigotry itself "patriotism." Wacko in the name of patriotism - Wacko-patriotism.

Theodore Roosevelt despised such behavior. To proclaim "that there was no criticism of the President, or that we should lie with the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but morally it is a betrayalAmerican public. "

George Washington said: "Beware of the alleged fraud of patriotism."

Mark Twain said that "the government is merely a servant, not his prerogative to decide what is right and wrong decisions, and who is a patriot and who is not. Its function is to follow the commands to create .

All these historical wisdom has fallen on deaf ears. Government is determined, in fact, what is right or wrong, is not a patriot.Disagreements with the president has become a crime, even if for the moment at least, only in the court of public opinion and rhetoric. The jury of the prosecution wraps the commission of the offense are in red, white and blue of the Wacko-patriotism. This movement took to the streets, the media, PACs and the halls of Congress. Has the charge d'jour. You can seize any conversation to divert the criticism to justify any behavior, and to attack any opponent simply by injectingPatriotism, or lack thereof, in the mix.

No one is immune to the insatiable appetite of the animals, and so it was that, without the sage warnings of our founders, Pat Wacko movement triggered his hysterical anti-patriotic passion about the Dixie Chicks. And for what? Because the singer Natalie Maines had the temerity to criticize President Bush for the invasion of Iraq. Huh?

Never mind that 70% of Americans agree with the criticism Maines'. Never mind that oneArmy of the conservative supporters of Bush are much tougher criticism of Bush as Chicks never razed. Never mind that the entire country to speak loud and clear in November that I am sick and tired of the rhetoric and ugly sore foreign policy. Dixie Chicks are still paying the price for their opening.

There is so much wrong with this picture, which is difficult to know where to begin. In particular, the red white and blue cloth, is Wacko-Pats so much love waveas an American flag. It represents the highest standard of freedom and democracy around the freaking world. It represents "The land of the free and the home of the brave." Based on your logic, every revolutionary who stood up to King George in 1776, was a traitor, but he should keep his mouth shut. I think it's a damn good thing, do not start the revolution in the basket of the country, the bread of America. Someone could burn the Declaration of Independence in protest!

First, asThey feverishly sharpening his teeth and your rhetoric about the Dixie Chicks, you should pay attention to this very limited to who's who of critics of Bush, all the conservatives, and all their chicks are critics of the president as always been:

Newt Gingrich - "The United States went off a cliff in Iraq"

Kenneth Adelman, former Assistant Secretary Rumsfeld has called the Bush strategy in Iraq "mind-bending incompetence" and "shameful," he described the Bush team to the national security as "... were fatal,dysfunctional. "

Richard Perle, chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board and a staunch supporter of Bush before the war in Iraq - "dysfunction within the Bush administration has turned U.S. policy in Iraq is a disaster ... you have to account to the President. Draw "

Pat Buchanan - "Iraq was an unnecessary war, one of the great mistakes of history of the United States may be ... He (Bush) did not have to go in!"

Shameful, unhealthy, off-the-cliff, mortal, wouldwent to Iraq, the biggest mistake in the history of the United States. Yes, sure, sounds like a criticism of the President to me. Perhaps Wacko-Pats should write letters to Barnes ... Noble is threatening not to buy something else, if you do not release their shelves of the anti-American propaganda of these traitors? Perhaps libraries managed and coffee is rubbish bins outside the so-Wacko-Pats can show their disgust common because it has a junk-Americans. Yeah! They intend to teach. Each of youbold mid-American country music fans want to send a death threat? That in any case will be closed and ... what eh?

Well, what was terrible disrespectful, insulting the troops, hate America, slander patriotic, that the Chicks said? Oh yeah. "We are embarrassed that the President is from Texas." That was it. Cutting satire, right? Yes, I understand why you are all so shocked.

The hypocrisy is not everything. While the Wacko-Pats seriouslyDixie Chicks whores speak their mind, they tolerate the common behavior of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan - give a trio of chicks, all chicks a bad name - flashing her panty less genital and breast in public, always public drunk and behave as their value as human beings, their body is limited and the degree of their indecent behavior. In the meantime, I do not see a hypocrite yourself, family values, Flag-Wavers Macho patriotic protest against theirslutty behavior. Is that all you need to access your voice? Flash tit or your step, you get a gun Budweiser, while smoking a cigarette, the release of a video of sex, and BAM! You are cool. The bastions of American values seem to have no problem with some bitch like antics. But a good wife and mother to take care of your family and for the courage to talk to cook something you believe, and your ass will be in the media that ridicule your lifestyle, try to destroy your livelihood andthreatening to kill. Ooooh. Power so proud, is not it?

Come Cowboys, who would rather you raise your children? And everything that you want to mother earth that we model for your daughters? What woman does not want Junior to take home for dinner on Thanksgiving?

Even now, three years after the first race to continue the fight. In October 2006, has refused publicly to NBC, the television advertising for the films of Indy, Dixie Chicks "Shut Up and Sing air," accordingThey were following a policy "not to broadcast ads that deal with issues of public controversy [... and] can not accept these spots as disparaging to President Bush." Hmm, could offset some of NBC's White House kissing ass for their decision to return to Iraq as a civil war, against the will of the president? Hey, can not boycott Wacko-Pats "ER", is not it? CBS, as has been the only major television networks, which was agreed to air ads for theFilm.

Check out this excerpt from a column of heavily modified Ann Coulter on pugbus.net October 30, 2006:

"NBC is refusing to air an ad to the right of" Shut Up ... Sing, or we'll kill you, b ****- a ** bitch "that fluffumentary" film "on Blu-state treasonistas America's favorite song, the Dixie Chicks. I saw this piece of s ***, man, and let me tell you, was enough to make a God-fearing, barbecue-lover, towel-head-pussy-hatred, making truck drivingBall-scratch man or woman wishes to engage in Road Rage B ****- ass whores, the Dixie Chicks. "Oh, my, Ann art. ... You are so eloquent. And I thought Annie was just a harmless, hateful, conservative humorist. Damn! Can you spell misogynist?

The demonization of chicks is not the first time in history that attempts a self-righteous minority, those who disagree with the silence of the day. 2500 years ago, the Senate referred to corrupt greek Socrates silence. Given the possibility"Shut up and ... everything," Socrates refused to Nice with his detractors and was forced to drink poison. Well, this is a step forward.

Christopher Columbus was almost arrested by the powerful Spanish Inquisition, because he suggested that (gasp war!) The earth is not flat in direct conflict with the entrenched position of the Catholic Church. "Shut your mouth and pull your cards stupid, Chris!"

Alice Paul bravely protested for women's suffrage in 1920, angry male chauvinistThe society of the time. While the hunger strike was an attempt in commenting) confined in a psychiatric hospital (for the rejection of their captors "patriotic" forced metal tubes into her mouth while she was helplessly tied to a chair electro-shock of having to swallow the he took his own vomit and suffer a fractured jaw. I think (all that most women's patriotic Coulter) waive your right to vote and would be much happier if Alice later today exactly as sincere prayersher husband, when he saw the legal papers that they had committed such crimes, the institute signed: "Why can not we just stop this nonsense and be a good mother to our children?" (In other words, "Shut Up and ... whatever)

Recently, Joe Darby refused to shut up. He was with the MP guarding the prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and came by chance on a lot of publicity photos of the abuse of Iraqi prisoners. In response to his moral sense of right and wrong, Darbyblew the whistle on what an international scandal. It was called a traitor "for his country under the name" and "a coward who knows nothing of loyalty." When his life was threatened and had to move his family from his hometown to continue to attack critics of the public. "Darby should be afraid. What he did was wrong. He should consider the consequences before he decided to open my mouth too big", "He should have simply ignored. Oh yeah, Wacko-Pats do not like when someoneOpposes the authority. (Where are all proud here for you, Annie, are you? Use the God-fearing, barbecue-loving, ball-scratching men and women at work.)

I can almost understand why some people get angry, or The Dixie Chicks, intimidated, especially when you consider that women should be good, "Shut up and cook dinner ... take care / of children / clean the house / etc. . 'These are not the kind of woman who can only seem disrespectful, macho dudes. But, no matter howTestosterone-driven you are, if you admire these kinds of "characteristics such as integrity, courage and perseverance in the face of adversity, we should admire the Chicks. When choosing between protecting their careers and livelihoods, or are for what they believed in a crisis, chose to honor. How many of you macho guys out there may be patriotic, who have passed the test? When I was little, we learned to respect and defend this kind of courage that do not threaten to stomp out. Certainly,I never had the privilege of a fan of country music. Perhaps that is why I do not understand.

And I do not understand what you are so angry at women. These are decent, respectable gentleman. They have done more to the true dignity and equality of every politician in Washington, but in the last ten years. Why not be shocked by the Spears / Hilton / Lohan slut instead Parade, the lowest recovery celebrates feminine traits? Maybe you're pissed off you gobecause the chicks have raised the bar on what it is, a self-expression are brought his wife and mother. Perhaps they represent a measure of freedom and independence that you'd like it had not been done because it is thought to live with one of these guys, the traditional, you should "Shut Up and ... whatever." Even sucks.

The scary thing for Wacko pat mentality is that it seems, from the tyranny of the 20 Century thinking of spring. Hermann Goering, Hitler in the 2ndCommand, said at the Nuremberg trials:

"Of course people do not war. This is obvious. But at least the leader of the country who determine the policy ... it's all you need to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in every country. "

Whatdya think, Annie? Is that the kind of person, or what?

Finally, let me say two things, the Dixie Chicks.First, my apologies for the meeting of ass, and not to this article was written before. I was lazy and you three, who have put collective asses risk, deserves better from your followers. I do not want to close now, though. You can count on.

Second, get back to that place, Mars. And you get because there are ladies, in fact the most traditional and respected warrior in the sense of the word. Your iron will and indomitable spirit, can not be pushed and love for the truth always.E 'blood to write poems and then with the music and this gift is more durable than Wacko pat rhetoric or corporate greed. I'm sorry that you had to suffer all that has happened, but thank you for that.

And oh yeah. FUTK! (See the documentation, unless you know what I mean!)

