วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Why Are You Single?

Image : http://www.flickr.com

"Holding hands walking together in the beach while looking at the moonlit skies mesmerizing the cold breeze of the sea with your love. "

So here you are again alone in your room while watching your favorite episode on TV. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself why? Would you consider yourself that someday this could be my fantasy, my happily ever after as what they say?

There are many reasons why people have not found love. Or try to ask yourself and examine some of the possibilities.

I have many aunts still alone at the age of 40.Based on their experience, it was quite tough, since we have our own perspective in being single but for me, I would never remain to be. Times will tell. I am afraid to be alone.

NO TIME FOR LOVE- Love has it's time, in all seasons for love is everywhere. The mere fact, with all of life demand these days, finding your soulmate or partner is not impossible. This experience offers us a chance to start with romantic love and nourish in our hearts and spirits towards something higher. It is not impossible but rather thinks of some possibilities to meet some people to share your life with, be it for friendship or marriage. You can try online dating, go out and meet people, join organizations club. There is always time for everything under the sun.

AFRAID TO FALL IN LOVE AGAIN Looking back those crying moments I had in a relationship, I could tell myself "end of my happy days" but I was mistaken. It's just that the relationship is not working already. How would you fight for that love if the other is not inclined to? How would you rekindle the fire if the going gets cold? It's just something like that. To love again after a break up is giving yourself a chance to create a new transition in your life, a beginning of period of mourning and follow the healing. All you need is a little adjustment. Go out and meet people, talk out your feelings with close friends.

SHADOWS OF A PAST LOVE There are three outlooks of anything, the past, present and the future. How can you move on if the shadow of the past keeps haunting you? Or should I say, If you still in love with your Ex. I just read about an article on Transcending to the Metaphysical,the different phases of love encounter by each person, if that experience takes time to heal or not. Most intellectual women, find it difficult to find someone and even more to let go. Even if the relationship is over and you have moved on, it is true love when you admit in yourself that "It is okay, I became a better person because of that relationship and it's time to move on." Let go of that past and think of what is now. Focus on one outlook of your life.

HE DOES NOT MEET MY QUALIFICATION Seeking the perfect person that meets the qualities we're looking in a person would tend to keep loves away. No one is going to be everything you have ever dreamed of. Give the guy a break. You already know that you are not Ms. Perfect. He will make mistakes too. Relax a little and do not be too picky. Allow for human frailty. Allow yourself to venture new experiences in life. Meet people from all walks of life.

NOT PRETTY AS THE FAMOUS STARS Every person has a peculiar beauty within. As the famous quote that says, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" One cannot be as astounding as Lindsay Lohan, as sexy as Paris Hilton.You can be yourself, unique as it can be. We are destined to be paired with the person God intended for us. You can be gorgeous in your own way. It does not have to mimic all the attributes of some famous personalities but rather think of the best that could make yourself genuine among the rest.

This might be some of the reasons why you stay single, whatever it is you do your own thing, but bear in mind you can make things new and savor the feelings of being in love and to be loved by someone special. Let me ask you, do you want to be single through out your life? Or not? The answer lies within you.

