Image :
Paris, Britney, Lindsay, Kate & Nicole
Will our daughters ever again be whole?
Little girls gone wild sweep the nation
They seem to be everywhere
And they may not be wearing underwear.
Tweens adore them and teens envy them.
But what are we doing to a generation?
Are we raising a generation of 'prosti-tots'?
Far worse than little crude boys farts
Little girls are learning to be sweet hot tarts
From the latest tween tramps in Hollywood
Cartoons, MTV, and movie theme songs
Are captivating young girls to come along
No need to be pure and keep your pants on.
Stars partying pantyless with the paparazzi
Now lil girls want to dress like Paris & Britney
Torn stockings, tight clothes, or in a bikini
What can little ones learn from Nicole Richie?
Who stopped her car in the car-pool lane
As if L.A. traffic would worship her just the same
Such a move adds complexity to life lived simply
Beyond Lindsay's pole-dancing to prepare for a movie
At least with Miss Lohan there is humility and honesty
As she wisely checked herself into a rehab preventively
Awaking to reality after passing out in a hotel hallway.
As for Kate Moss she fell abruptly down the stairway
Adorned in only a fur jacket with her cigarettes
Whatever happened to these girls parents?
Were they not properly raised during adolescence
Or is their shock-appeal their publicity brilliance?
Beyond which they might not get our attention
That along with their fleeting physical attraction
Which substance abuse is rapidly robbing
Their heart and soul yearning and throbbing
For a little more media exposure and main light
Before they disappear into the dark night
Britney's recent collapse gives further insight
The New Year's Eve party in Vegas wasn't alright
Something's in the air, and I wouldn't call it love.
Neither is it the Holy Spirit from up above
No, demons from hell beneath have been released
To seek, destroy, and kill our precious daughters
Like never before, our kids are being bombarded
By oversexed imagery, under dressed celebrities
Who display nudity grotesquely and continually
Showing off their well-waxed private parts
From godliness this generation has boldly departed
Videos like "Girls Gone Wild on Campus Uncensored"
Earn an estimated $40 million a year on perversion
Coming to a town near you with their prostitution
Ready to inebriate, proselytize, and penetrate
The impressionable hearts and meandering minds
Of a fatherless generation without proper guidance
To woo them into a culture of rebellion and defiance
Senseless sexuality, self-righteousness, and self-reliance
Kids, born in the new-media petri dish, are well aware
Of celebrity antics, feuds, fashion, style, and hair
Sadly by this they are mesmerized and often don't care
About grades, discipline, and working toward a career
The influence such female stars have on young girls
Will anger any parent, making their head whirl
Suggestive lyrics and flirtation have enslaved a generation
Teenage pregnancies, abortion, and identity distortion
This generation has dreadfully lost its purpose and direction
Unfortunately many pinhead parents don't see the deception
As they run after their kids in every devilish direction
Such a sex-drenched culture has become a new addiction
For the liberal minded parents who are quick to try to refute
Wait until Playboy comes to a University new you to recruit
Is it any wonder marriages are failing and adultery flourishing?
Unconditional love and commitment we are not nourishing
As we dive deeper into the vile sess pool many do cringe
But who will be a voice against such an immoral binge?
The rise of the bad girl syndrome scares many fathers
Keeping up many in prayer awaiting the return of daughters
Beyond dangerous is this present epidemic of evil and sin
Whereby young ladies disdain and disregard the beauty within
Seeking alternatively to fix up everything outwardly
Risk anything to be all the more racy and sexy
Embracing lesbianism and homosexuality
Devaluing the necessity of a strong abiding family
Applauding liberality and trashing chastity
When our daughters birth bastards
What than will our reaction and response be?
Parents take the initiative now and act aggressively!
Lest your children learn their values from sensual society
Ironically many return home seeking answers and security
Truth and morality usually win out over time eventually
As circumstantial hard times speak loudest experientially
God give us womanly role models who can model integrity
Celebrate purity, dress modestly, and live elegantly.